Professional Real Estate ServicesHolly Hatzenbuehler, REALTOR®CALL: 660-723-2291

Central Missouri Communities
I serve Dallas, Hickory, Benton, Henry, Pettis, Morgan, Camden, Laclede and Pettis Counties in Central Missouri.
Looking to buy, sell or invest? Contact me today with your questions. You'll be glad you did!
Lake of Ozarks, MO

The Lake of the Ozarks is located within the Ozark Mountains with the Bagnell Dam lying at an elevation of 659 feet. It lies in central Missouri on the Salem Plateau of the Ozarks. The lake extends across four Missouri counties, from Benton County in the west through Camden and Morgan counties to Miller County in the east. Wikipedia
Truman Lake

The Harry S. Truman Reservoir (also known as Truman Lake) is located in the state of Missouri, United States. It is located between Clinton and Warsaw, on the Osage River and extends south to Osceola. The dam is located in Benton County, but the reservoir also extends into parts of Henry, St. Clair, and Hickory counties.